10 December 2021

Image of News For SEND Families
Local Offer - www.manchester.gov.uk/sendlocaloffer

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Welcome to our last newsletter before Christmas. It includes a recent update to our December Drop In which will now be virtual rather than face to face. Covid may be bringing further challenges this Christmas but we wish you a lovely festive time with your families. See you in 2022! 


The Local Offer Team

Email: localoffer@manchester.gov.uk

0161 234 1946

Twitter: Manchester Local Offer @MCRLocalOffer



December's Virtual Drop In

In light of Covid developments so close to Christmas, our next Local Offer Drop In will be virtual rather than face to face. It’s on Wednesday 15th December, 10am-12 noon. We’ll be sending out a list of who’s taking part a day or two before. Look out for it in your inbox.


December's virtual drop in poster

Stuff To Do

Winter Market Garden

Snow covered branches

Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th, Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th December, 12 noon-7pm


Many of you enjoyed the activities at the Platt Fields’ Market Garden this year. We Are Mud are holding a Winter Market Garden over two weekends in the run up to Christmas, with local makers, gifts and crafts, food and drinks, kids activities, workshops, winter trail. and a huge, cosy marquee with seating, heaters and live music throughout the day. The Market Garden and car park are at the main entrance to Platt Fields Park, off Mabfield Road.


Festive Fun With Libraries

Father Christmas bauble on tree

Christmas Extravaganza

The whole family is invited to join Central Library’s free Christmas celebrations on Saturday 11th December, 10-4pm. There’ll be choirs singing songs, Christmas crafts for children, and mulled wine, hot chocolate and festive treats to warm you up in the cafe. The big man himself may also put in an appearance!


Winter Tales & Puppet Stories 

Winter robin

It may be icy & freezing outside but drop into a warm welcome at Newton Heath and Miles Platting libraries for free festive activities all about nature and winter: Newton Heath Library, Saturday 11th December, 1-4pm & Friday 17th December, 10am-5pm; Miles Platting Library, Thursday 16th December 1-7pm & Saturday 18th December, 10am-1pm. No need to book. To find out more, call 0161 234 4474, pop into the libraries, or see Loads To Do.

Winter Wonderland Party

Christmas lights

Join North City Library for festive games, stories, crafts and treats, plus a special visit by Santa Claus, on Monday 20th December at 2pm for children aged 6 to 11. There's no need to book but places are limited so come early. Call 0161 219 6442 to find our more or check out Loads To Do


Discover more activities in the run up to Christmas in this Libraries newsletter. Also see Loads To Do for events in the city and your area.

We advise checking with venues beforehand to see if there are any changes to events due to Covid.

Covid Updates

Omicron Response

Face mask

The Government introduced changes in response to the Omicron variant on 30th November. A flyer has been produced in Manchester about this, with an easy read version



person being vaccinated

There is a vaccination clinic for disabled people on Saturday 11th December, 12-3.30pm at Ross Place Day Centre, Ardwick, M12 4AN. People can have their first dose, second dose or booster in an unrushed and supported atmosphere. Please call the Gateway to book an appointment on 0161 947 0770 or text the helpline on 0789 003 6892. The Gateway can book a taxi if needed. There will be a BSL interpreter and a quiet space. Here is some easy read information about the clinic.


In response to the Covid-19 Omicron variant, all adults aged 18-39 will be eligible for a booster vaccine when the NHS calls them forward. The booster will be offered in order of descending age groups, with priority given to older adults and those in a COVID-19 at-risk group. The booster will be given no sooner than 3 months after the second dose. Find out more about the booster vaccine - if eligible, you can book it here.


If you are still to have your first or second dose, there are plenty of walk-in clinics available across the city. Carers Manchester answer questions you may have about vaccinations. This Government information includes advice about second doses for ages 12 to 15. 


Lateral Flow Flow Flow


Lateral flow kit

The Government has recommended that people take lateral flow tests before going to high risk settings this Christmas, such as shopping centres, events or visiting vulnerable people. Find out how to order lateral flow tests. You might also be able to collect tests from a pharmacy or from a community centre, such as a library, or get a test at a site. 


 For questions around vaccinations and when to self-isolate, call Manchester's free Covid-19 Helpline on 0800 234 6123 or text 07890 036 892. Advice is from a nursing team seven days a week, 9am-5pm, with a translation service available.


News In Brief

Carers Manchester Christmas opening

Carers Manchester Contact Point will close at 1pm on Friday 24th December, re-opening at 10am on Wednesday 29 December. They will also close at 1pm on Friday 31st December, re-opening at 10am on Monday 3 January 2022. For carer emergencies during this period please contact Manchester City Council’s duty team on 0161 234 5001 or call 999. There is more information about the Contact Point on the Carers Manchester website.

Support is still available from Manchester’s Community Response Hub. It is usually open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm but times may vary over Christmas. Freephone 0800 234 6123, text  07860 022 876, email COVIDSupport@manchester.gov.uk for support with managing fuel top-up payments, access to food and delivery of medication.


Digital Service MCC

Are you giving someone a device with the internet as a Christmas present, like an iPad, laptop or smartphone? If they live in Manchester, they can receive free telephone support. Simply text 07860064128 and they will get a call back giving support on all things digital, such as setting up an email, using Zoom and shopping online. Calls can be made in 15 languages.

In November, Will Quince, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families, published an open letter to all parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. The letter provides information about the SEND Review and the steering group following it.


Drawing of a house

A GM Autism and Learning Disability Housing subgroup are seeing if there is a need in Greater Manchester for a specialist housing advocacy organisation. They would love to hear your views. There are two surveys – one for autistic adults and adults with a learning disability and the other for organisations that offer support. Please respond if you can by 31st December.


NW SEND Regional Network logo

Here is the latest North West SEND Regional Network Newsletter with information on training and events around the region.

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