Grange school is a special school which provides 275 day places for 3-19 year old students in an environment where pupils with a diagnosis of autism and learning difficulties can access a specialised and holistic education.
The carefully planned environment and engaging, personalised curriculum on offer is designed to meet the needs of all students. All pupils must have a Education, Health and Care Plan naming the school.
At Grange school we offer a carefully thought-out curriculum, with the curriculum focus developing as the students move through the Key Stages e.g. with more focus on developing independence and life skills through simulated and real life experiences. Effective and strong links will be forged with the local community.
In the process of considering naming Grange school in a plan the LA must consult with the school and the school will consider the appropriateness of the placement for an individual and would also ensure that naming a child for Grange school. This is in the best interests of the children and whether the school could meet their needs. The final decision on the school to be named rests with the local authority responsible for maintaining the statement.
We can only accept referrals from Local Authorities (LA). Whilst parents are welcome to visit the school and can be provided with information about the school, the school cannot proceed to the admissions stage without local authority support. Parents wishing their children to benefit from our provision should ask their local authority to name our school in their child’s EHCP.
Although parents can indicate to their local authority the school of preference to be named the authority may not agree with the placement identified. In such circumstances parents have the right of appeal to the First-tier Tribunal (SEN & Disability). The school will adhere to LA decisions.
Grange school is unable to offer places to families who wish to independently fund the placement.
All information relating to the proposed placement of any individual are confidential. There will be open and regular communication with relatives, carers and advocates, which acknowledge and respect the needs of each user.
The school will liaise with the local authority to ensure they are kept up to date.